Life in Another Language/ Compound Meanings - I Before starting the training, you can review the unit plan in PDF format by clicking the picture on the side.
3.1. Grammar: Compound Meanings
BSL COMPOUND SIGN 1 Word A compound sign is one that is created by combining two (or more) other signs example “think” and true”. The sign itself is “believe” There are two main types of compound in BSL – those that combine two signs sequentially, often creating an abstract new meaning( and often using arbitrary signs), and those that combine two sign simultaneously, often creating a more visually motivated signs. Sequential BSL Compounds e.g:- Say + Sorry = Forgive Think+ True= Believe Are often creations that have come in some way from a wish to represent a concept used in English. Simultaneous compounds such as:_ Plane + Rocket = Shuttle Or Phone + Type = MINCOM are more often visual creations |
3.2. Vocabulary / Common words
3.3. Deaf Culture / Schools for the hearing impaired
There are Special Education Schools for Deaf children and youth at the levels of Nursery, Primary, Secondary, College and University. There are two points to observe in the distribution of students in a classroom. In the first one, all the students in a class are deaf. In the second one, inclusive education is applied, both the deaf students and hearing students are in the same class. Sound insulation is an important factor in the design of classrooms and a totally necessary element in the education of Deaf students as visual-verbal method is used in these schools. |
3.4. Vocabulary / Travel Clothes
What item of clothing is mentioned in the video?
What items referred to in the video might you take on holiday?
3.5. Deaf Culture / Sports events and organisations
Sports organisations for deaf individuals are held at three different levels: regional, national and international. Sports events at the regional level are held with the participation of a limited number of teams, which usually are the teams of public and non-governmental organisations, associations or schools etc. UK Deaf Sports work with a variety of national partners to increase the awareness of elite deaf sport and bring more world class competitive events for deaf people to the UK Deaf Sports have a structure of competitive opportunities on a National, European, World and Deaflympic level. UK Deaf Sport the recognised body for the registration and authorisation of UK, GB and home nation entries into international competition |
3.6. Vocabulary / Outdoor activities
What activity does the video refer to?