Using Numbers / Yes-No Questions Before starting the training, you can review the unit plan in PDF format by clicking the picture on the side.
2.1. Grammar / Yes-No Questions
2.2. Common Words and Phrases
Watch each video and type it's meaning in the box below: -
Answers: Its lunch time now Past history is exciting Are you married Come here now
Answers: Its lunch time now Past history is exciting Are you married Come here now
2.3. Deaf Culture / Greetings within the Deaf society
In Deaf culture, when Deaf people meet each other, they usually prefer to hug one another rather than shake hands or greet. Because they are close to each other, their chats are relatively more sincere i.e. they talk about things in deep detail. |
2.4. Deaf Culture / Eye Contact
Eye-Contact is another important element for an effective communication to take place. Apart from the signs that are made by hands, sign languages also include the movements of the eyebrows, mouth and head. Therefore, it is necessary to keep up with the mimics and gestures so as to convey or grasp the intended meaning correctly. That is why you can see the Deaf observe not only the hands but also the facial expressions. These cover everything and includes body language through conversations. |
2.5. Numbers
Numbers from 1 to 30 and 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100. |
What number is referred to in each video?
2.6. Vocabulary / Our Cities in the UK.
Which UK city does each video refer to?